22 September 2020

When you come


When you visit Lord, what will it be like?

When you descend like a flood, will I drown?

When you blow like the wind will I be swept away? 

Where is the pattern for what I should do, how I should be?

There is no TV documentary

   No TV soap

      No comic strip

          No one I know

              To tell me what to do, how to be. 

My life is full of learned behaviours.

Which do I choose when the Lord Almighty visits?

If I choose wrongly will he pass by?

Surely not - he’s bigger than that, more holy………… 

So, how will I be afterwards?

Knowing that this shouldn’t matter doesn’t answer the question or quiet my heart. 

So what happens now? 

Do I pray that that you will come? 

When you come all the lies will be revealed ......and I don’t know how much of me is made up of lies.

                          But I don’t want to miss you

I yearn for you 

I long for you........... when I remember you and give you the time… 

But how does one stand in awe? How does that happen? 

Where does wanting to bow down, lie down, kneel down stop being something that I choose to do and start being something that you make me do? 

How much of my reaction will be driven by the human spirit and how much by you?

 I know that when you come your nature will be revealed and,  if the greatest thing is love and love is who you are, then love will prevail when you come. 

You are the light and light dispels darkness – so the enemy might put up a fight but will not prevail when you come. 

You are pure and healing power surrounds you – the sick will be healed when you come. 

You created the laws of nature and you are in control of them - you can change things with a mere thought and cause the miraculous to happen when you come. 

But I hear of the counterfeit… the unholy… the human emotions… things that are not bowed down to you but, instead, are defying your presence. 

I worry that I will be in that crowd and not, genuinely in you. 

So, how should I pray?

          Do I want you or not?

                   Do I need you or not? 

My heart cries out ………………





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